Thinking out loud

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Drawn in....

So finally, i'm able to be at home for the first time in way too long. It's a very peaceful, overcast Saturday morning and I'm enjoying a little time in the word at one of my favorite coffee shops. It could simply be the fact that Valentine's Day was during this past week, but regardless, I've been so reminded of the Lord's love for us, for me. I found this verse in Jeremiah ch. 31:3 which says, "The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying:
'I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have a drawn
you in with loving-kindness."'s short, but to hear the Lord himself say that He has loved me, not with just temporal love, but with eternal, everlasting beautiful that is to me. Not only that, but He has and is drawing me (to Him) with loving-kindness.
My Prayer for this weekend is that I would allow the Lord to Romance me, to find that Christ can satisfy the inner desires of the heart with His infinite love...and that He would exemplify that love in and through me for the blessing of others.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Amazing Love

So, over the past few weeks, I've been doing a study on Romans. I was just reading through Chapter 8, and asking that God would just open my eyes to the mystery of His Word, provide me with understanding, and that I wouldn't jus read words on a page....I wanted to be engaged in what I was reading....
The Lord is faithful....I was so wonderfully reminded in this chapter of the overwhelming love of God for me. I STILL DON'T FULLY UNDERSTAND, but I am in awe of how the Holiest of Holys, God Himself, could pour out such love on someone who is the epitimy of imperfection. It is at this point, when I have come, yet again, to the end of myself, knowing there is nothing I could ever do to earn God's grace or love, that the beauty of Christ and HIs suffering on my behalf is so much more humbling and awakening. Praise the Lord that He has provided the way to LIFE and peace throught Christ! Abba, Father, I ask that you help me to walk in the TRUTH that I read in your Word, and live in the confidence that I am justified by Christ....I am yours, Lord, I am yours. Thank you...........

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Some Random thoughts.....

So...i just thought i'd mention this. Word of advice to all fellow pedestrians. Do not...I repeat...DO NOT walk out directly in front of a moving car. I speak from a rather scary experience this afternoon that could have left me with a broken foot or two. I definitely almost ran into a truck today...(yes, that is was not the truck, it was me.) fortunately, they missed me before anything really bad happened. But it's like tripping on the side walk (which p.s. i do quite frequently...) but soo much worse. I was that person who immediately after doing something like that, looks around to see who saw me and how much they're laughing...sure enough, I found atleast one lucky spectator! Hopefully he was having a bad day and I made him laugh! Anyway....just watch out for moving cars.

On a more serious note....I met with some friends tonight and was so beautifully reminded of the gift of God's grace for every person. And how absolutely vital it is for me to live abiding in Him for the glory of His Name. I'm not gonna lie, this still doesn't make total sense to me...but God showed me through His word even today truth that is so amazing! Praise the Lord for the beauty of the gift of prayer is that I would live each day effected by His Grace and respond in love.......
Live effected by Grace!! 1 Cor. 15:9-10

My Resting Place....

So once again, I found myself here at such an early hour. I don't know..I just wanted to write of the Lord's provision in my life. This has been such an incredibly hard week for me. I think i've gotten about maybe ten hours of sleep in the last 4 days..that could be pushing it. Yet, once again, something that seemed impossible to me to begin with, is now, after much toil, completed. I think it's amazing how God allows me to experience joy even in the midst of stress, exhaustion, and everything else that seems to consume the day. I'm learning that the key to this is continually resting in Him....throughout the day, when i can't rest physically, God is helping me to rest mentally, Him. I'm a so comforted that God yearns for me to give Him my load, my burdens, so that He can carry it and not just me. I was reminded of such an amazing passage of scripture today. It's in Eph. ch. 3 v.14-21. It so cool that Paul starts this passage with "....I kneel before the Father." (My daily prayer is that my heart would be kneeling before the Lord, when I'm not physically able to.) It continues with "I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being." If I could testify to one thing this past week, it would be that God has strengthened me in times when I had no clue how i'm going to get through. He is faithful...
I think it is safe to say that our soul's true Resing Place is in the heart of the Lord...oh how beautiful that HEART is....and I'm finding that when I am resting in the True REsting soul is nourished...and I am able to LIVE in joy. Help me to rest in you Lord tonight...Thank you for your loving Faithfulness to me. Help me to rest in you...
"Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burderned and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burdern is Light."
Matthew 11:28-30

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Here I am....

So here it first official blog. And here I am, at 3:07 in the morning. Why am I not asleep? Good question, i'm still asking myself that as well.......

I don't know if you've ever heard "Here I am"'s definitely a really good Shawn McDonald song, p.s. and i'm actually pretty hooked on's playing right now as I write. The words are amazing....
I lay myself at your feet...asking you won't you lead....won't you lead me.
I can not do it own my own....I can not do it all alone.
Here I am...all tonight.
With my arms open wide....won't you come inside.
I lay myself at your feet....asking you won't you lead.
Won't you lead me God.
I can not do it on my own.
I can not do it all alone.
Here I am....all tonight.
With my arms open wide....won't you come inside.
Won't you come inside God...come and fill this heart of mine..i'm in need of you, of your touch....of your life, of your love....oh...I need you.....
I lay myself at your feet....asking you won't you meet me God....tonight.

Every time I hear this song, i'm so reminded of how much I am in need of the Lord....maybe that's why i keep playing it over and keep reminding myself.
Oh, Lord...thank you for the gift of song, that one as small as me, could lift a sacrifice of praise and a humble, or sad, or happy, or anxious, or confused, or at times, broken heart up to you and recieve the gift of peace and joy. Thank you for it enriches my life, uplifts my heart....thank you Lord, for your perfect love. Teach me, Guide me...I can not do this own my own...wherever you're taking me. I can not do this on my with me God...and help me to find that my heart can rest in You.