Thinking out loud

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Breath of Life

I love when the Lord reminds me of something important....something simple, but profound for everyday living. I was running yesterday at my favorite park, and the weather was surprisingly good, even in the middle of the afternoon. But as I was running down the path, like i've done probably fifty times before, just praying and enjoying the Lord's creation, He drew my attention to the trees constantly at my side. For the first time, in awhile, I thought about the importance of these trees...not only are they beautiful symbols of strength...but since they give off oxygen, they are source of life for us... without them, physical existence would be quite impossible...

I guess what I'm getting at is at that moment, I was immediatley reminded of what Christ said in John, that He has come that we "might have life and have it to the full." Yet the only way this happens is by walking with the source himself...

"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit,
apart from me, you can do nothing."
John 15: 5

I like that last part, so straightforward.... "apart from me, you can do nothing."

Although a battle, my desire is that I would begin each day walking with the True of Source of Life....Christ. And although it's a mystery in many ways that my human mind can not begin to grasp, I feel like in that moment, the Lord reminded me that just as real as those trees were beside me, that Christ is with me, in every situation of my life, through the good days and the bad, through what I don't understand, and what I do...when I can't see the "big picture," and when I just need to be still, and stop thinking.... He's there, constantly offering His breathe of life to me....and oh, how refreshing that is....


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