Thinking out loud

Friday, March 24, 2006 what?

So...i know I haven't written in forever....the last two weeks have been quite crazy. The few hours of sleep were quite precious and appreciated. Although very exhausted, the Lord has helped me persevere through yet another challenging few weeks of class. So i found myself now finally at home, so excited to be done with school and on Spring Break, but now what? How do I go from running none stop for the last two months, to not really having something to do every minute? ( I don't know, that may be a relief to some, but for me, it's a little bit of a 180.) Anyway, i'm so happy to be spending time with my family...but my hope is that I will be also be able to use this time to dwell with Lord, and enjoy Him, and not be complacent. I think I just need to remember a good Psalm here: Ps. 46:10: "Be still and know that I am God." Why do I have such a hard time with that??? I don't know...hopefully I'll be able to rest in knowing that His is in control...and because He IS IN CONTROL, I can be still.
Lord, I know You are here....use me this week. Help me to rest in Who You Are.....Be my constant Joy....You are amazing!


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